Excellent point Greg! Thank you for reading and for weighing in with such a thoughtful response. I really find this to be such an interesting point you made. I hadn’t considered exactly this angle, but there was something that didn’t “fit” to me about Christianity’s history over various eras and the current rejection of CRT. What I was thinking about that led me to write the article was that there have been movements against systemic abuses of power embraced by Christianity in the past, so isn’t it just as likely that CRT would be embraced by mainstream Christians, theoretically? I also realized through analyzing some prominent Evangelical voices against CRT that they didn’t seem to have studied and read about it, even cursorily, but rather were reacting in a gut way, as if they were reacting viscerally to something they heard about rather than the theory itself. So I wanted to consider why Evangelicals seem to be rejecting it “from the outset” / at first blush and hopefully hit on a few of the reasons. Thanks again for your commentary, I agree with your take here.